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Posts tagged nihongo journal

Nihongo Journal – final post on the topic

nihongo journal final issue cd audio

I have finished reading my Nihongo Journal issues. Let me know if you’d like to purchase any of these before August arrives and I disappear.

The issue pictured on the lower right is the final issue ever made and includes an audio CD.

Nihongo Journal – second to last installment

nihongo journal learn japanese magazine

I have nearly finished reading my Nihongo Journal issues. If you are interested in purchasing any, with or without audio, let me know soon. These will no longer be available after August 1, 2009 or when someone else purchases them–whichever comes first.

Nihongo Journal covers

nihongo journal

I recently finished these two issues of Nihongo Journal. I have about eight issues left. Given that I have eight weeks left until I depart it looks like I need to read about an issue a week.

Nihongo Journal with audio

nihongo journal cassette tapes audio japanese learning self study

I have some more issues of Nihongo Journal eager to find a place in your hands. Some have audio too. For ordering details see my prior blog entry on the subject.

If you want to self-study Japanese this is the best way to do it.

Blasting through some more issues of Nihongo Journal

I finished the above two issues of Nihongo Journal this past week. We are leaving for Japan in about 10-12 weeks and I have about 20 unread issues to still get through so I need to keep up my pace of about 2 a week. Nihongo Journal is very enjoyable to read. It’s probably about the best method of studying Japanese on your own out there. Too bad they no longer publish new issues. It was a great run while it lasted though.

Nihongo Journal for as little as $9 an issue

That’s right. Nihongo Journal, which will run you more than $20 an issue plus postage elsewhere on the internet, can be had for as little as $9 an issue. I just finished these two issues. Now it’s your turn to learn more about Japan while improving your Japanese. For details see my prior entry.