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Posts tagged Strathmore Stampede

Chuckwagon race

Strathmore Stampede chuckwagon

Chuckwagon @ 2024 Strathmore Stampede

Spurs hurt

strathmore stampede alberta canada

2024 Strathmore Stampede (Alberta, Canada)

That’s gotta hurt!

One down, one to go!

This is part of a series of about 12 photos, each more horrific than the last. One of these days I’ll get around to processing and posting them all as a sequence.

I don’t know what happened to the cowboy getting his leg crushed in this photo. He didn’t get up on his own though.

Breakaway Roping

strathmore stampede breakaway roping cowgirl

Cowgirl performing in the Breakaway Roping event at the 2024 Strathmore Stampede

This was not my first rodeo, but it was my first in Canada.