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Albert Pujols hits his first American League home run

albert pujols

Yesterday, Albert Pujols hit is first home run (after the longest drought in his superstar career) as a member of the Los Angeles Angels.

pujols hall of fame

I thought I saw him hit is first home run a few weeks ago when I was in Anaheim.

albert pujols hr

But this swing that looked so promising …

oakland athletics josh reddick

… ended up with the ball being caught by Josh Reddick just before the warning track.

One Response to “Albert Pujols hits his first American League home run”

  1. 1
    Cathy Hudspeth:

    As a Cardinal fan, I so enjoyed watching Pujols and his beautiful swing. I’m glad he’s off the dime this year. Hate the Cardinal’s fans who were cheering his slump. We’re better than that.
    Nice shots!