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BAR MiDiAN (Heavy Metal Bar in Osaka, Japan)

BAR MiDiAN heavy metal osaka

BAR MiDiAN (Heavy Metal Bar in Osaka, Japan)

I have been to a grand total of zero Heavy Metal bars in the USA. I have heard of a grand total of zero Heavy Metal bars in the USA. I have been to six Heavy Metal bars in Japan. I have heard of even more. These are wonderful little places, carefully decorated by their owners. They are usually hard to find so be sure to bring good directions should you ever want to try one of these hangouts.

Bar Midian is located near the Osaka and Umeda Stations. The entire neighborhood is a trip at night. If heavy metal isn’t your thing, you can probably find some crazy place catering to your thing in this neck of the woods. If you aren’t into metal, but still like rock and roll, the owner is very accommodating. Like every music bar I’ve been to in Japan, the patrons can choose the music from the owner’s extensive collection.

Here is the address:
And here is a map:

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When in Hiroshima, don’t miss Koba.

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