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Posts tagged Nikon 14-24mm f/2.8 AF-S NIKKOR G ED N

Alhóndiga de Granaditas

Plaza de la Alhondiga de Granaditas guanajuato mexico

Plaza de la Alhondiga (Guanajuato, Mexico)

Read about the fascinating history of this World Heritage site here.

El Mesón de los Poetas view of Guanajuato

el meson de los poetas guanajuato-standard

El Mesón de los Poetas rooftop (Guanajuato, Mexico – August 2014)

Osaka Evening Skyline

osaka blue hour

Osaka blue hour (August 2013)

One hour and three minutes before I took the above photo things looked like this.

Throwback Thursday

Dazaifu Tenman-gu fukuoka

太宰府天満宮 (June 2013)

Throwing it back to that day more than 10 years ago that took me on an unexpected adventure with a stranger to a place more than 400 years old.

Guanajuato Jesus

guanajuato jesus

Guanajuato, Mexico (August 2014)

Later that day

Denver self-portrait panorama

8-photo photomerge denver coors field rainbow colorado

Rainbow and downtown Denver from Coors Field (August 2014)