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Posts tagged static-x

Interesting additions to 2020 Brutal Assault

#brutalAssault2020 #brutalassault @seventhrule @authorpunisher @orangefeeling

A few stories about some of the latest additions to the 2020 Brutal Assault lineup…

The first is from just a couple years ago. On Thursday of the 2017 Roskilde Festival I was planning on seeing Oathbreaker and High on Fire. In between I had no plans, but I ran into some friends I had recently met at Copenhell, or maybe this is the night I met them for the first time. I don’t remember. In any event, they said I had to check out Author & Punisher, a one-man band featuring a guy who made his own instruments, and the instruments were far from traditional. There would be no guitars, drums, etc. What an experience that was!

author & punisher roskilde festival

Author & Punisher @ 2017 Roskilde Festival

Static-X and Cradle of Filth I learned about from “Iron Mike’s Metal Video” in 2000 and 2001. Iron Mike had a late night, public access show that I would watch after putting my, then little, kids to bed. Static-X was one of the few bands that would play in Southern Oregon so I ended up seeing them a few times while Wayne Static was still alive. I can’t imagine them without him, but maybe I’ll get that chance next summer.

Cradle of Filth reminded me a bit of Sabbat, who I was familiar with since the late 80s, but they seemed to really be pushing things. Ultimately, I became a fan which led to my interest in many other bands including Dimmu Borgir.

Wayne Static (November 4, 1965 – November 1, 2014)

wayne static x medford armory

Wayne Static and Static-X @ Medford Armory (5/8/09)

@OfficialStaticX #WayneStatic @IAmWayneStatic

I’m sad to see him go, but he had a good run of almost 49 years.


There is some Japan content in this two-part series on Static-X after all. Koichi Fukuda is the guitarist for Static-X shown here. Koichi was born in Osaka, Japan. Next to him is Wayne’s wife, Tera Wray, who appears to be nearing some sort of wardrobe malfunction.

Wayne saluting the audience. Nearly every movement Wayne makes is some sort of pose. He is very easy to photograph because of this. Notice that he and his wife have matching t-shirts. Aren’t they cute?

She is actually smiling here, something she should have done more often. Most of the night she looked a bit down. Wayne was in great spirits all night though.

One last shot of Mrs. Tera Wray Static for those of you hoping for something a little more close up. It’s a major crop as I wasn’t very close to the stage, but this was the former porn star’s look on her face most of the evening.

Let’s wrap up this two day run on Static-X with the only video I took at the show. The video quality isn’t too bad, but the audio is horrible. I’m not sure why it is so bad as the concert sounded great from this location right next to the mixing board. My LX3 let me down on the audio portion of this video. Turn the sound down on the first one and up and the second. Hit the HQ button just below the video as soon as it starts for slightly better quality.

Evil Disco

Today’s entry has nothing to do with Japan or Travel, but since I’ve blogged about other concerts on here when I was traveling, I figure I can squeeze this off-topic post in anyway.

Static-X is pretty much the only non-local act that comes through town on a regular basis. Most bands skip Southern Oregon and play a show in San Francisco the night before Portland or vice versa with no stop nearby in between. Not so with Static-X. Last night, at the Medford Armory, was the third time they’ve played in Medford in the past four years or so.

This is the first concert I’ve taken my LX3 to. I didn’t go specifically to take pictures so all of my shots are from the same spot, not very close to the stage, but they came out decent anyway. The LX3 was easy to sneak in. I have a coat with a double pocket. I put the LX3 in the inner pocket and my wallet in the outer. When security asked what I had in that pocket I showed them my wallet and in I went.

Wayne Static is a newlywed. His wife, Tera Wray, was on stage the entire night. She is apparently a retired adult film star. I wouldn’t know.

If you don’t like Static-X, but like porn, I suppose you could have enjoyed the evening as well. I’m guessing you’d like to see more of Mrs. Static so I’ll make this a two-part entry; you’ll have to come back tomorrow to see the rest.