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Posts tagged metal

Metal Monday

lucid grave metal magic festival malene pedersen

Malene Pedersen of Lucid Grave @ 2024 Metal Magic Festival

lucid grave setlist metal magic

Lucid Grave Setlist (July 12, 2024)

Metal Monday

dark tranquillity gefle metal festival

Dark Tranquillity @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival (Sweden)

Metal Monday

brent hinds mastodon 420 concord

Mastodon’s Brent Hinds on April 20, 2023 in California

Metal Monday

Hervé Queyroix aosoth metal magic-low-light

Hervé Queyroix (AKA M k M) of Aosoth @ 2016 Metal Magic Festival

Metal Monday

metal magic tormentor György Farkas Attila Szigeti

Tormentor @ 2019 Metal Magic Festival

metal magic tormentor setlist

2019 Metal Magic Festival – Tormentor setlist

Happy birthday, Inferno!

behemoth uc theatre

Behemoth’s Inferno @ UC Theatre (Berkeley, California – May 2022)

@BehemothBand @TheUCTheatre