Tetsu in Roppongi Eki
As I exited the Roppongi Station turnstyle I seemed to remember from seeing “Jiro Dreams of Sushi” a couple years ago that his shop was in the underground maze between stations. I had some time to kill so instead of immediately exiting I took a route I hadn’t before. (Turns out I was confused and the original shop is in the Ginza Station, not Roppongi, and his son’s shop is in Roppongi but not in the station.)
I was also hungry so when I saw Tetsu I decided it was a good time to eat as I vaguely remembered seeing it on Ramen Adventures as a top choice.
Tetsu looked delicious, and the first couple bites were OK, but I grew tired of it quickly. By the end I decided it wasn’t one of my better ramen or tsukemen experiences. Perhaps the one in Sendagi (千駄木), reviewed by Ramen Adventures, is better.
February 20th, 2014 at 7:52 pm
What time what that pic taken? I want to avoid their long queues, so I think you may have the answer to
the headache I want to avoid ;p
PS: I actually will also try it on lunch time, so perhaps 11:00am is fine to avoid queues
February 20th, 2014 at 9:28 pm
I took these photos at about 5:30 p.m. I don’t think you will have long queues at a place like this in a train station.