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♫ Happy Birthday Dear Abbath… ♬

copenhell abbath

Abbath @ Copenhell VII

Today Abbath turns 43. I saw him twice last week, and he didn’t look a day over 39.

Friday night he treated us to a blistering Abbath set, with some Immortal classics tossed in for good measure, and some fire breathing as well. Saturday night (Sunday morning actually as they didn’t go on until after Black Sabbath at 1:30 a.m.), he played the role of Lemmy Kilmister in Bombers Bergen. The most awesome part of Abbath’s role in Bombers was his shifting back and forth between his Abbath and Lemmy characters. One moment he’d have his neck craned back in full Lemmy mode under the downward pointed microphone and the next he’d be doing the Abbath shuffle across the stage. Awesome. I will never forget being treated to such an experience.

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