St. John’s Church from The Parish Church of St. Cuthbert
Since returning from my European adventures this past summer, I began reading the Outlander series by Diana Gabaldon. I’m currently in the third book, and there are lots of Edinburgh references in both the second and third books. Unfortunately, I didn’t take photos of many of the places mentioned. I noticed, and read the history on the side of, The World’s End Pub (but no photos). I did get a few photos of Holyrood. Kirk of the Canongate was being painted when I was there so no photos of it either.
Today’s photo, with St. John’s Church in the background isn’t mentioned in Outlander for good reason. St. John’s wasn’t built until 1818. The church at my back when I took this photo (Parish Church of St. Cuthbert) isn’t mentioned that I know of, but it was there in the 18th Century. Their website says
“1745: September, news reached Edinburgh that the Highland Army was approaching. The Gaelic-speaking horde had a fearsome reputation and so great excitement and terror was roused in the population. Prince Charles Edward Stuart seized the city. Several hundred in Edinburgh actively supported him and attended the Ball at Holyrood House after the Jacobite victory at Prestonpans but the Ministers of St Cuthbert’s Church – Rev Pitcairn and Rev McVicar – opposed him. Apart from one service held at the Tron Church, there was no public worship in the city itself during this time and many people sought refuge in the countryside. The Ministers of St Cuthbert’s, however, continued to hold normal services which were well attended despite the political and military upheaval happening all around.”