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Posts tagged Berlin Wall Memorial

Marcus Haas mural in Berlin

Berlin Wall Memorial Bernauer Street Germany mural meat sliced Artist Marcus Haas Die Dixons graffiti Xi-Design Talenthouse

Berlin Wall Memorial on Bernauer Street


30 years ago the Berlin Wall came down. Three years ago this memorial mural went up. Two years ago I took this photo.

Berlin Wall remains

Berlin Wall

Earlier this month we finally passed the point in history in which the Berlin Wall has been down for more time than it was up. A few small parts are still up though. Today’s photo comes from last summer.


ackerstrabe berlin wall memorial gedenkstatte berliner mauer

Ackerstraße (Berlin Wall Memorial)

The Berlin Wall ran along Bernauer Straße and closed Ackerstraße at the corner when it was built in 1961. The official demolition of the border fortifications began in June 1990 at the corner of Bernauer Straße and Ackerstraße.