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Posts tagged buddhist

Takamuro-in on Koyasan

takamuroin koyasan


This place is a shukubo (宿坊) or temple stay situation. I stayed at Fudo-in which was awesome, but I bet Takamuro-in is a fine place to spend a night as well.

Rainy Days and Mondays

daishoin miyajima rain

Daishoin on Miyajima (June 2013)


Mount Rainier National Park Ashford Washington Mountain Meadows Inn Bed and Breakfast buddha-DeNoiseAI-clear

Mountain Meadows Inn Bed & Breakfast garden (Ashford, Washington – September 2022)

12 years ago…

鎌倉大仏 kamakura daibutsu-DeNoiseAI-clear

Kamakura Daibutsu (July 2010)

Portland Japanese Flat Garden



I’ve visited Portland at least a couple dozen times over the past 25 years. I thought I had been to the Portland Japanese Garden about 20 years ago. We went for a visit this past weekend, and I realized it was the Seattle Japanese Garden that I went to long ago so this was a first. There was a pretty good downpour just before (and just after) taking this photo (which is a photomerge of 22 photos) so not many people around.


tochoji fukuoka buddhist temple shrine alter topaz denoise ai-denoise

Tochoji’s Buddharupas (Fukuoka, Japan)

The sign at my feet as I took today’s photo said, in English, “Do Not Enter. Buddhists Only.”, as if the ability to read English automatically makes a person not a Buddhist.