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Posts tagged hino


hino statue Takahata Fudoson Kongo-ji Temple the heart sutra

Portion of the Heart Sutra on a bib at Takahata Fudoson Kongo-ji Temple

Nearly seven years ago I promised to discuss “adventures around the City of Hino”. Those memories have since faded, and the details are all but gone.

This photo is my random, desktop image of the day, though, and it’s from that day. Doing a bit of internet research reveled that it is one of the 88 spots along the trail in Hino (山内八十八ヶ所めぐり). The 88 spots are supposed to mirror those on the Shikoku pilgrimage (四国遍路).

If you are living in Tokyo for an extended period of time, this place may be a good excursion if you want a bit of a walk. I don’t recall it being at all strenuous. Here is a map of the mountain walk next to the temple:

山内八十八ヶ所クイズめぐり — 高幡不動尊金剛寺 — map