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Posts tagged Saarbrücken

Hotel Bayrischer Hof

saarbrucken germany hotel bayrischer hof

Saarbrücken, Germany

Eagle Owl

Uhu im Wildpark Saarbrücken

Eurasian Eagle Owl in Wildpark Saarbrücken (June 2024 – Germany)

Metal Monday

get the shot garage germany

Jean-Philippe Lagacé of Get the Shot @ Garage (Germany)


Metal Monday

baroness garage saarbrucken germany poster

Baroness @ Garage (Saarbrücken, Germany)

If I was in Germany today, this is where I’d be.

I happened to have a Baroness shirt on when I was at Garage five weeks or so ago so I felt like I needed to take this photo I suppose.

Völklinger Hütte

volklinger hutte iron works germany

Ironworks (Saarland, Germany)

I visited this place about a week before I was seeing Rammstein again. I really felt like Rammstein tunes should have been on in the background. The buildings and the music have a synergy.

Happy birthday, Dani Filth!

dani filth cradle garage saarbrucken germany

Dani Filth of Cradle of Filth @ Garage last month (Saarbrücken, Germany)