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Posts tagged shibuya

Shibuya at night

tokyo japan

I have shown you several photos of Shinjuku at night in the past. This may be the first I have posted of Shibuya at night though. You can tell I was facing north when I took this picture as the cars headed in the camera’s direction are going to Shinjuku (新宿) and Ikebukuro (池袋). I lived in the middle of those two, Takadanobaba.

Shibuya’s Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Hall – 東京都児童会館

One of our guidebooks mentioned a place in Shibuya that sounded interesting. So a few days after New Years we made our way to the Tokyo Metropolitan Children’s Hall. Most things were aimed at younger kids (probably best for 5 – 9 year olds), but we still had a good time. The place is large by Tokyo standards with about six floors of activities. And it’s all free.

Today’s picture is of the taiko group which performed in front of the entrance.

We found out later that these free, children’s halls exist all over the place. Ryan and Ellie visited one near Meguro with some friends and have played ping pong at the one just a few minutes down the street in Takadanobaba.

Shibuya in the rain

shibuya station rain umbrellas tokyo japan christmas 2009

Tokyo doesn’t grind to a halt when it rains. It doesn’t even seem to slow down. Thousands of mini-roofs, otherwise known as umbrellas, keep things moving.