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Posts tagged ueno


恐竜 National Museum of Nature and Science Tokyo

恐竜 – National Museum of Nature and Science (Ueno, Tokyo, Japan)

Thinking in Ueno

kojiro matsukata ueno autumn foliage tokyo japan ginko tree fall

This version of The Thinker was part of Kojiro Matsukata‘s collection and can be seen in Tokyo near the National Museum of Western Art.

Life-size Blue Whale roaming the streets of Tokyo

Ducks (and a swan boat) on the (Shinobazu) pond

不忍池 ueno ducks shinobazu swan boat shinobaze pond

Shinobazu Pond (不忍池) Ueno, Tokyo, Japan



Edaphosaurus @ National Museum of Nature and Science in Ueno, Tokyo, Japan

国立科学博物館 in Ueno


T-Rex (ティラノサウルス) @ National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo