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Posts tagged Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve

Looking north from the air between McCarthy and Chitina

east blackburn castle peak wrangell st elias national park alaska

East Blackburn and Castle Peak in Wrangell-St. Elias National Park (Alaska – July 2023)

Wrangell Mountains

wrangell mountains aerial mountain air

View from Wrangell Mountain Air (plane)

Mount Drum

Mt Drum from Copper River Princess Wilderness Lodge alaska-DeNoiseAI-standard

Mt. Drum from Copper River Princess Wilderness Lodge (Alaska – July 2023)

The dog that saved me

root glacier dog wrangell national park alaska-DeNoiseAI-clear

Root Glacier (Alaska)

Less than an hour before this photo taken, I came face to face with a bear on the trail to this glacier. Unlike other bears I have met in the wild, this one didn’t run the other way. Instead, it started up the trail toward me. I know, you’re supposed to “get big” when you are in a bear staredown, but my natural instinct was to back up. The dog in this photo was 50-100 feet behind me on the trail and decided to get between me and the bear. That scared the bear off, and so I’m still here to tell the story.

Kennecott Mines National Historic Landmark – Wrangell

copper mine kennecott wrangell national park alaska-DeNoiseAI-clear

Kennecott Mill Town (Alaska)

Flying out of Wrangell-St. Elias National Park & Preserve

wrangell mountain air alaska-DeNoiseAI-clear

Wrangell Mountain Air

Today’s photo comes from our journey out of McCarthy. On the prior day, we flew into McCarthy on the plane out my window in this picture.