Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged AF-S NIKKOR 300mm f/4E PF ED VR lens

Happy birthday, Isiah Carter!

isaiah carter football denmark

SOU Football alum Isiah Carter with the Frederikssund Oaks in 2019

@SOU_Football @CarterTheGr8_

Happy birthday, Avery Morehead-Hutsell!

Avery Morehead-Hutsell softball sou-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Avery Morehead-Hutsell

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @__averymarie

Happy birthday, Baylee Touey!

sou womens soccer baylee touey-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Baylee Touey (September 2019)


Happy birthday, Morgan Jones!

sou softball morgan jones-DeNoiseAI-clear

Morgan Jones (April 2019)

@morganpearl_ @SOURaiders @SOU_Softball

Three years ago today…


@SOURaiders @SOUMensSoccer @noahaddie17

One last photo

ashland snow winter topaz denoise ai-clear

Ashland, Oregon (December 27, 2021)

Today’s photo was the last one I ever took with my Nikon D500 (which I sold a few days ago). Now that I think about it, this is also my last photo with a DSLR as I no longer own one. Between my D7000, D600, D750, and D500 I probably took well over 200,000 photos (of which I’ve probably looked at less than half and processed less than 10%).

Through this last photo (shot at 450mm) I learned that I can see the Caldera Brewery (far right of this image) from my home. I didn’t realize that when taking the photo. I had to get it on a big screen to notice. To celebrate, I will go to Caldera today.

Full moon madness

full moon branches ashland oregon

Full moon through the trees (Ashland, Oregon – April 2020)

Six months ago in the neighborhood…

bear ridge road ashland oregon-low-light

Bear on Ridge Road (Ashland, Oregon – December 2020)

Layers of Ashland

ashland layers grizzly

March 2020

Ashland is most lovely, in my opinion, during the last week of October/first week of November and in March/April after snow hits Grizzly after going green.

Ashland bear

bear ashland oregon

Caught this bear last night. You can’t really tell from the photo because there is nothing to compare it to, but I think this is the largest bear I’ve seen in Ashland (and I’ve seen about a dozen).