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Today’s photo was the last one I ever took with my Nikon D500 (which I sold a few days ago). Now that I think about it, this is also my last photo with a DSLR as I no longer own one. Between my D7000, D600, D750, and D500 I probably took well over 200,000 photos (of which I’ve probably looked at less than half and processed less than 10%).
Through this last photo (shot at 450mm) I learned that I can see the Caldera Brewery (far right of this image) from my home. I didn’t realize that when taking the photo. I had to get it on a big screen to notice. To celebrate, I will go to Caldera today.
Ashland is most lovely, in my opinion, during the last week of October/first week of November and in March/April after snow hits Grizzly after going green.