Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged crater lake

Crater Lake Sunrise

Crater Lake Sunrise

Wizard Island

crater lake wizard island

Crater Lake’s Wizard Island (September 2019)

Good lighting @ Crater Lake

Crater Lake

Wet Wednesday

crater lake wizard island Llao Rock Mount Thielsen

Crater Lake’s Wizard Island with Mount Thielsen behind and to the right of Llao Rock (September 2019)

Wizard Island in Crater Lake

crater lake

Crater Lake (September 2019)

@CraterLakeNPS #CraterLake

Vidae Falls

Vidae Falls crater lake national park

Vidae Falls (Crater Lake National Park – September 2019)

Today’s photo is from three years ago, when I biked around Crater Lake.

Crater Lake panorama

@CraterLakeNPS #CraterLake

Another pic (photomerged series of photos actually) from our snowshoeing adventures at Crater Lake last month.

Crater Lake revisted

linda al crater lake snowshoeing

Snowshoeing around Crater Lake (January 2022)

Yesterday we headed over to Crater Lake for the first time in a few years. The weather was spectacular for January–no wind and about 50 degrees (although it felt warmer with all of the sun bouncing off of the snow). Hardly anyone was there. We snowshoed to Discovery Point and Eagle Point, a bit over 5 miles I think. Today’s photo was taken on our way to Discovery Point.

Crater Lake

Crater Lake (March 2018)

I talked to someone last week who said on their visit to Crater Lake the prior day they couldn’t see the lake at all due to smoke from wildfires.

Crater Lake Sunrise

crater lake sunrise

Crater Lake sunrise