Ashland Daily Photo
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Posts tagged klamath falls

SOU and OIT will host 2023 NAIA Softball National Championship Opening Rounds

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University Field (Ashland, Oregon)

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball #NAIASoftball #BattleForTheRedBanner #collegesoftball #PlayNAIA @NAIA @CoyoteAthletics @YoteSoftball @OregonTechOwls @oitsoftball

Details here.

The College of Idaho did not receive hosting privileges. I’m not sure if they didn’t apply or if they were snubbed by the fact that two other CCC teams were already chosen. Massey has them at #2 in the country. They’d probably be ranked #1 by the coaches if they were in any other conference. Were it not for blemishes on their W-L record courtesy of OIT and SOU, they’d be 43-1!

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John and Lois Stilwell Stadium (Klamath Falls, Oregon)

Team of the Week

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2023 SOU Softball Team

@SOURaiders @SOU_Softball @KerlingSarah @ashton05cathey @riles_cd

Details here.

RIP Peter Cornett

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Peter Cornett, drumming for Floater in Klamath Falls, Oregon – June 2012


Clark’s Grebes

Clarks Grebes klamath falls

Clark’s Grebes in Klamath Falls

Happening the next couple weeks in Klamath Falls…

Klamath River

Klamath River near Putnam's Point

Wild Geese

Wild Geese

#nature #geese #birdsinflight

Ashland has The Wild Goose, but today’s photo is from over the pass in Klamath Falls. I took this photo on the same day last spring when I went to shoot Clark’s Grebes.

Clark’s Grebes

Clark's Grebes

You can find dozens of Clark’s Grebes in Upper Klamath Lake this time of year. However, most of the mating rituals happen soon after they arrive in late April so it’s a little late to see much activity. Putnam’s Point is a good place to park and watch.

Here is a pretty cool video (especially after the 50 second mark).