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Posts tagged san francisco

ALDS begins today

A's fans in AT&T Park

A’s fans in AT&T Park

The Oakland A’s are just 11 wins from one of the most improbable championships in the history of the game.

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art

 san francisco museum ceiling

Ceiling in San Francisco MOMA

I love it when the museum itself is a work of art.

Patxi’s Pizza

pizza san francisco lombard

Pizza in San Francisco off of Lombard Street

If you are ever in the Cow Hollow area of San Francisco and want some good, Chicago-style pizza, check out Patxi’s. I have yet to find really good pizza in Korea. My last one was so bad (the cheese and some other ingredients weren’t even real) that I will not be trying to find good pizza in in South Korea again.

AT&T Park panorama

at&t park san francisco panorama a's giants

Bay Bridge Series 2013

I have only been to one MLB game this year, a Giants-A’s game back in May (pictured above). I have been to several professional baseball games in Asia though. This weekend I plan to see a different Giants team; the Lotte Giants (of Busan, South Korea) will be taking on the SK Wyverns. It will be my first time in Sajik Baseball Stadium which is supposedly the best baseball stadium in Korea.

Out with the old and in with the new

baby ostriches

Baby Ostriches at California Academy of Sciences – San Francisco

I didn’t have any photos of a Baby New Year, so this pic of the baby ostrich chicks we saw last month in San Francisco will have to do.

Happy New Year everyone!

Hyatt Regency San Francisco Christmas decorations

hyatt regency portman embarcadero san francisco california holiday decorations christmas tree eclipse towering inferno

Hyatt Regency San Francisco atrium from above during the holidays

A few nights ago we watched The Towering Inferno for the first time, primarily because we had visited the Hyatt Regency in San Francisco last month where part of the movie was filmed.

The giant sculpture in the center of the enormous atrium of the Hyatt Regency is called Eclipse (to the right of center in the above photo) and can be seen in The Towering Inferno movie as well since the movie was made (or at least released) in 1974 and Eclipse was installed in 1973.

For a close up photo of the Snow Village around Eclipse this time of year click here.

‘Tis the season

nikon d600 nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8 g lens christmas hyatt regency

Christmas decorations at Hyatt Regency in San Francisco

Palace of Fine Arts in fog at night

san francisco california marina district palace of fine arts foggy night photography

We had some wonderful weather while in San Francisco for three nights this past weekend. Highs were in the low 70s and the lows were higher than Ashland’s normal high temperatures for this time of year. There was lots of sun and very little wind too. Saturday night the fog did roll in though. I headed out to the Palace of Fine Arts in the Marina District, which wasn’t far from our hotel on Lombard Street, to take this photo on that evening. For more of my pictures from San Francisco (on my other blog) click here.

The Wall in San Francisco – Roger Waters

roger waters the wall tour pink floyd san francisco at&t park

Since seeing Roger Waters perform The Wall in San Jose back in 2010 I’ve been longing to experience it again. This time around the wall was twice as big, running nearly foul pole to foul pole. Some things had changed and things were bigger and better in nearly every way. This was Roger’s first massive outdoor stadium performance in North America on the tour. After hitting some smaller venues he will eventually be bringing it to places like Wrigley Field, Fenway Park, and Yankee Stadium. If you can get to any of those venues you will not be sorry.

I’ll post some more photos on my other blog.

Medusa graffiti

graffiti art san francisco california haight street masonic avenue boulevard

Today’s photo comes from my San Francisco trip a few weeks ago. This Medusa art is just off of Haight Street, near the Haight-Ashbury intersection. I think it was on Masonic Avenue.

More graffiti art here