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Posts tagged Upper Table Rock

Salpinctes obsoletus

upper table rock oregon bird rock wren

May 2024 (Upper Table Rock)

This song bird was singing for a while with no others responding. I tried to answer by mimicking the sound, but the bird just looked at me like I was an idiot.

Upper Table Rock Wildflower

upper table rock wild flowers

Upper Table Rock along the Rogue River (May 19, 2024)

May isn’t the best time of year for wildflowers on Upper Table Rock, but there were still lots along the way up. March and April are better months (especially in years with lots of early spring rain) for wildflowers on the top.

When you make it to the top of Upper Table Rock

upper table rock squirrel

Upper Table Rock squirrel (May 2024)

Sunset from Upper Table Rock

upper table rock sunset

Upper Table Rock Sunset (April 2023)

Western Fence Lizard with a tick

 lizard tick upper table rock trail oregon

A “blue belly” Western Fence Lizard (Sceloporus occidentalis) curing a tick of Lyme disease

Ascending Upper Table Rock

7-photo photomerge upper table rock trail

Heading up Upper Table Rock Trail

Upper Table Rock Sunset

photomerge panorama upper table rock sunset 9-photo -DeNoiseAI-clear

Upper Table Rock (April 28, 2023)

Vernal Pools on Upper Table Rock

upper table rock water topaz denoise ai-clear

Upper Table Rock (Oregon – January 2022)

I have hiked the table rocks mostly in summer and fall. I’ve seen water on them before but never as much as I did early last month (after a wet December). Alas, until yesterday it hadn’t rained at all in over five weeks, very unusual for this time of year.

Mt. McLoughlin

Mount McLoughlin from upper table rock trail

Mount McLoughlin from Upper Table Rock Trail (January 9, 2022)

January was the warmest in Southern Oregon history. On this day, we were in t-shirts on top of table rock, and it wasn’t even cold.

The dome in the lower-right is a 4.6 million-gallon water reservoir in Eagle Point.

Three years ago…

Lower Table Rock from Upper Table Rock

Lower Table Rock from Upper Table Rock