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Jikso Falls (직소폭포)

photomerge panorama jikso waterfall

Jikso waterfall

The Jikso Falls can be found inside Byeonsanbando National Park (변산반도국립공원). You can’t drive to this location. You can hike to it from two different directions. We took the shorter route (not the route from Naeso Temple) which was probably about 3 kilometers and not as steep. The waterfall can be seen in the far right portion of today’s panorama. We ate lunch right next to the waterfall even though a sign had been put up in the prior month saying you can no longer eat there or go in the falls. Our guide did not know about these new rules.

One Response to “Jikso Falls (직소폭포)”

  1. 1

    I love the quality of that photo 🙂