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Posts tagged aosoth

Metal Monday

Hervé Queyroix aosoth metal magic-low-light

Hervé Queyroix (AKA M k M) of Aosoth @ 2016 Metal Magic Festival

Metal Monday

metal magic aosoth

2016 Metal Magic (Fredericia, Denmark)

@agoniarecords @MetalMagicDK #aosoth #metalMagic

Aosoth @ Metal Magic Festival

aosoth magic metal festival

Aosoth @ 2016 Metal Magic Festival

@agoniarecords @MetalMagicDK

I was initially clued into the existence of the Metal Magic Festival by looking at where Uli Jon Roth would be playing in 2016. When I saw he would be playing in Denmark when I was also in Denmark I delved into the other bands on the bill. The one that rose to the top was Aosoth. Their most recent album, in particular, is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever heard.

They’ve only played one gig, ever, in the USA, and that was on the east coast. This was probably my only chance to ever see them live. They did not disappoint.

aosoth magic metal festival setlist

Aosoth setlist