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Posts tagged Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk

Lunch in the atrium

Atrium restaurant in the Hilton Fukuoka Seahawk


Something from six years ago in Fukuoka today…

The exterior looks like this.

Fukuoka Tower

view from fukuoka hilton sea hawk hotel of tower

View from Fukuoka’s Hilton Sea Hawk Hotel of Fukuoka Tower (福岡タワー)

I thought about wandering over to the Fukuoka Tower for an aerial view of Fukuoka, but the view from the top of the Sea Hawk was similar, uncrowded (just me!), and free.

Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk

hilton fukuoka sea hawk hotel atrium

Atrium (dining area) in the Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel (ヒルトン福岡シーホーク)


Dante no hiroba @ Fukuoka Dome (暖手の広場@福岡ドーム)

dante no hiroba yahoo fukuoka dome softbank hawk

Plaza between Fukuoka Dome and Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel

Sculptures like this serve as a meeting place when tens of thousands of people are trying to find each other on game day. Things seemed eerily quiet on this day as the team wasn’t playing. Around this location there were lots of bronzed player hands that kids could “shake” or at least compare to their own hands.

Fukuoka Hawk

fukuoka hawk statue

Fukuoka hawk statue

The inscription under this statue says something about a hawk which rode on a ship in 1827 for 90 days before landing in Fukuoka. I’m not sure what the 1795-1877 signifies. In any event, the local baseball team in Fukuoka are the Hawks so maybe this story had something to do with their name.

The building in the background on the left is the Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk Hotel.

Fukuoka Yafuoku! Dome (福岡 ヤフオク!ドーム)

fukuoka from hilton dome yahoo hotel

Fukuoka (including Yahoo! Dome) from top of Hilton Fukuoka Sea Hawk

Sorry for the missing post yesterday. I haven’t been able to access the internet from my laptop until now.

I took a tour of the Fukuoka Dome because no games were scheduled while I was in Fukuoka. Afterwards, I wandered over to the nearby Hilton. You can go to the top (no charge) for views of Fukuoka similar to those of the nearby Fukuoka Tower and save yourself 800 yen and possible crowds.