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Posts tagged inuyama

And then one day you find…

Fantasy Island

…ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run, you missed the starting gun

Cute as a bug

Dessert on face, but cute as a bug--ladybug

Throwback Thursday

Inuyama Castle

Throwing it way back today to one of the oldest castles in Japan.

Six years ago at a 花火大会 in Japan


This year’s festival is the 40th annual and takes place this Saturday (August 10, 2019). If you happen to be in Japan, you may want to head over to Inuyama for a wonderful evening. Lots to do during the day in Inuyama as well, including the Meiji Mura open air museum.

View from the castle

Peering out the window of Inuyama Castle

I initially wanted to go to Inuyama to watch cormorant fishing. However, the only day I could go did not have cormorant fishing because of the fireworks show on the same river at night. I went anyway as the next best thing to watching cormorant fishing is an awesome fireworks display with a castle in the background.

Today’s photo comes from said castle, and the boats you see in the bottom of the photo are the ones people watch the cormorant fishing from.


Castle on the hill