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Posts tagged KAT Roman Kostrzewski

Metal Monday

kat poznan jacek hiro

Jacek Hiro playing with Roman Kostrzewski (RIP) in 2021

Roman Kostrzewski (1960 – 2022)

Roman Kostrzewski kat poznan poland topaz denoise ai-low-light

Roman Kostrzewski in Poznan, Poland (July 2021)

Last summer I had no idea that Roman Kostrzewski was dying when I saw him perform twice in Poland. Maybe I was the only one in the crowd in that position, given that I was also the only one who couldn’t speak Polish. Anyway, his death yesterday caught me by surprise. I’ve been listening to the setlist from last summer’s shows ever since.

Poland shows

Some more photos from the two nights in a row that I saw Gruzja, KAT, and Vader in Poznan and Warsaw, Poland.