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Posts tagged Tokina 11-16mm f/2.8 Lens for Nikon

Battle of Bunker Hill

bunker hill barber shop boston topaz denoise ai-clear

Bunker Hill Barber Shop (Boston, Massachusetts)

Ten summers ago I took today’s photo shortly after we visited the nearby Battle of Bunker Hill Monument.

Old State House

old state house boston topaz denoise ai-clear

Old State House (Boston – June 2012)


2012 Tropfest

Nine summers ago…

Columbia University (New York)

Citi Field panorama from right field

five photo photomerge citi field new york mets topaz denoise ai-denoise

Citi Field (New York, 2012)

First spring training games are today.

Topaz Adjust AI

Without Topaz Adjust AI and DeNoise AI

Once upon a time, about eight and half years ago, I didn’t shoot in RAW; I only saved my shots in jpg format. Alas, those photos are far more difficult to process in terms of getting them to look like what the scene originally looked like. The above, 11-photo photomerge is one such example. In Photoshop I wasn’t able to get the final panorama to look like the brilliance of the sunset from that one evening in New York back in 2012. Because I shot in jpg, the details were muddy and not recoverable (in Photoshop at least).

I downloaded Topaz Labs’ Adjust AI to see if it could do better. Adjust AI comes with a bunch of filters, none of which I liked. However, the adjustments for highlights, colors, shadows, etc. are far more powerful and customizable in manual mode than what you see in Photoshop, and I was able to bring the scene back to something more closely resembling what I saw with my naked eye that evening. The results are below.

11-photo photomerge new york dumbo sunset-adjust topaz denoise ai-denoise

With Topaz Adjust AI and DeNoise AI

Topaz Labs’ Adjust AI is available for under $50 until 12/31/20. Use the code holiday2020 at checkout.