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One of Jolene’s creations from five years ago…
I had gone through nearly all of Sammich’s regular menu and enjoyed many of their specials as well before I tried the Burg. Typically I only order burgers at places when the rest of the menu stinks so it seemed pointless to order a burger at a place where the rest of the menu is fantastic.
Alas, my thinking was off, and I should have tried Sammich’s Burg long before. My first one was so good that the last two times I have gone to Sammich I have repeated my order. Unlike other places (which shall remain unnamed) in which the burger is sometimes undercooked, sometimes overdone, and sometimes features a stale bun, all three of my Burgs at Sammich have been identical in their deliciousness.
Chocolate cupcakes from Jolene’s Sweets
Need something for a birthday party, summer picnic, or special event? Call Jolene.
To keep things interesting when I do a photo shoot after Jolene bakes something up, I try to use a different lens each time. I think I have used seven different lenses on her sweets now. For the above photo I used my 50mm f/1.2 manual lens. I have only used this lens a couple times since purchasing it over craigslist for a ridiculously low price. I don’t know why I don’t use it more often as it takes fantastic photos with creamy backgrounds at f/1.2. The manual focus is actually a fun change of pace too.
The other day I was in Medford for work. On my way I met someone via Craigslist who was selling a couple of manual Nikon lenses. Having never used a manual lens before (although I have used my AF lenses in manual mode on occasion) I was interested to try them out. Plus the price was crazy cheap so even if I didn’t like them I figured I could unload them at a profit.
Most of my lenses are largest at f/2.8. My Sigma 85mm goes to f/1.4 though. This 50mm lens that I picked up has a maximum aperture of f/1.2. It may be the only Nikon lens with an aperture so large. I had a half hour to kill so I dropped into the Medford library to try it out. The above was my first shot. What do you think?
I used it at the Stoneburner show too. My keeper rate at f/1.2 with manual focusing went down of course, but the ones that came out OK are pretty cool.
Stoneburner will be playing Club 66 in Ashland on May 30, 2013.
Today’s pics are from their show on March 16 at Johnny B’s.