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Archive for London

Near Traitors’ Gate

Traitor's Gate tower bridge london

Tower of London – Middle Drawbridge Gate

A host of the willing few
Gathers at the traitors’ gate
Demanding their pound of flesh
And their weight in gold

Nelson’s Column

Trafalgar Square london lions-DeNoiseAI-clear

Trafalgar Square (London – July 2016)

The Coach & Horses

the coach and horses london england west end-clear soho

The Coach & Horses (London’s West End – July 2016)

Kew Gardens flyover

Kew Gardens (London, England)

Palm House

kew gardens palm house indoor rainforest greenhouse-clear

Kew Gardens (London, England – July 2016)

@kewgardens #PalmHouse #kewGardens

UK in 2021?

london kew gardens flower bee

Flowers and a bee in London’s Kew Gardens

I haven’t been to the UK since 2016, when today’s photo was taken. Getting into the UK, without a quarantine, right now is not easy. However, I can get a direct flight from the Faroe Islands (where I will be in July) to Edinburgh, Scotland and not have to quarantine at all since the Faroe Islands are a “green country” so there is a good chance I will find myself in Scotland for the first time this summer.