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Posts tagged primordial

Near Traitors’ Gate

Traitor's Gate tower bridge london

Tower of London – Middle Drawbridge Gate

A host of the willing few
Gathers at the traitors’ gate
Demanding their pound of flesh
And their weight in gold

Neva River

saint petersburg russia-DeNoiseAI-clear

Saint Petersburg, Russia (July 2019)

“And you trade in his blood
Writing your history
In the sacrifices of the dead
Where is the fighting Man?
Am I he?
You would trade every truth
For hollow victories
And every empire will fall
Every monument crumble
Forgotten men who watch
Who watch the centuries” — Primordial, “Empire Falls”

Metal Monday

primordial brutal assault-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Primordial @ 2019 Brutal Assault

Sunday thoughts

Primordial @ 2019 Gefle Metal Festival


This is my church
It stands so tall
And has done
For all time
It has no walls
Yet its vast halls
Reach from shore to shore

Happy birthday, Alan Averill!


#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault #primordial #primordialband #alanaverill #alanaverillnemtheanga

Primordial @ Brutal Assault

brutal assault primordial AA Nemtheanga Alan Averill

Primordial @ 2019 Brutal Assault Festival

#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault #primordial #primordialband #alanaverill #alanaverillnemtheanga