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Posts tagged 紅葉

Kamakura in late November

japan stone lantern tiles roof orange fall color kamakura temple

Kamakura’s Engakuji (円覚寺) in autumn

Kamakura’s Engakuji 円覚寺

Kamakura’s Engakuji (円覚寺) in autumn

Japanese Maple (紅葉)

紅葉 - Japanese Maple leaves cover the ground

Tis’ the season. The characters for Japanese Maple (紅葉 or もみじ or momiji) are the exact same for autumn colors (こうよう or kooyoo).

I took today’s photo on my Nikon D7000 with a cheap 50mm f/1.8 lens. At the widest aperture of 1.8 you can get this effect of focus only on the leaf in the center of the photo.

More Autumn foliage in Japan

koyo japanese leaves autumn

Tenso Jinja in the Fall

My neighborhood shrine (Tenso Jinja) looked great in autumn. I say autumn, but this was actually December. By December in my neck of the woods the fall foliage is long gone, but in Tokyo one can still enjoy fall colors.

Fall Japanese scene

leaves falling on the ground mt. mitake hike japan

Autumn in Japan

If you are currently in Japan, October and November are excellent months to go hiking. The weather is generally good, the fall foliage is beautiful (although the fall colors generally don’t hit their peak near Tokyo until late November), and the crowds (especially on weekdays) are slim to none.

Today’s photo was taken in late November on our way up Mt. Mitake.

Japanese beauty in autumn setting

autumn in japan

Autumn at Chinzanso

For those of you wondering if I would ever return to posts on Japan, the answer is yes. I’ll pepper them in from here on out now that I’m back from my summer in Scandinavia. It will be a while before most of the posts are on Japan though. Sorry.

Today’s pic was my random wallpaper of the day. I was taking photos of the fall colors in Chinzanso in Tokyo when this lady came wandering through my shots by herself. I didn’t mind.

BTW, fall is late in Tokyo. Don’t plan your vacation in late September, or even October, if you want to see the fall foliage (紅葉). Mid to late November (and even early December for some trees and locations) is when the colors are at their best in and around Tokyo. You could head north to see the colors earlier in Japan.