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Posts tagged ellie

Almost like dueling banjos

wild scenic rogue river northwest rafting ellie ryan

Jousting on the Rogue National Wild and Scenic River (July 2015)

These two…

Ellie and Skylar @ Copenhagen's Rosenborg Castle

…are hanging out in New York City today. Hard to believe it’s been almost eight years since the above photo was taken.

15 years ago

Copenhagen (July 2008)

Happy birthday to my daughter!

red sands beach hana ellie hawaii maui-low-light

Ellie on Kaihalulu Beach (Hana, Maui, Hawaii – December 29, 2022)

Happy National Siblings Day!

Taking a dip

Hiking around St. Mary Lake

ellie ryan glacier national park st mary lake-DeNoiseAI-clear

Glacier National Park (July 2020)