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Posts tagged Den Historiske Miniby

Den Historiske Miniby

Den Historiske Miniby

#visitlillebaelt @FAavisen #Fredericia

If this looks like a normal Danish town photo taken from a nearby hillside, look again. Notice the picnic table in the center. The buildings are smaller than the picnic table!

Here is another angle from the same “Historical Miniature Town”.

Gulliver’s Travels

Historical Miniature Town

#visitlillebaelt @FAavisen #Fredericia

Last summer, on my way to the Metal Magic Festival, I found myself in mini Fredericia (Den Historiske Miniby), Denmark. Much of Fredericia, circa 1849, has been recreated in miniature in a park. I was the only one there. It was an absolute trip to walk these streets.

This summer I plan to head back to Fredericia and spend a few nights this time. I’ve never been to the part of town that the tiny town represents so I’ll be sure to check out the 2018 version to see how much has changed in 170 years.