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Posts tagged eggy

HSMF’s playshop

high sierra music festival hall eggy Jake Brownstein carry on holly bowling dan lebo lebowitz-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Eggy’s Jake Brownstein leading the “Carry On” (CSNY) session featuring Holly Bowling, Dan Lebo, and others in the High Sierra Music Hall @ 2023 High Sierra Music Festival

@eggylive @highsierramusic @hollyjbowling @Lebo_Tone

High Sierra does something I haven’t seen regularly done at music festivals, and that is to have pre-planned artist collaborations around a particular theme. Nearly all of these events take place in the High Sierra Music Hall (AKA: Serpilio Hall on the grounds of the Plumas Sierra County Fair). Given that this year’s festival was hot every day (90s in the shade by noon), and this venue had air conditioning (that didn’t work great but was still enough to make it cooler indoors than out), it became the go-to place before the sun finally went down each day.

One such event was the band Eggy doing some Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young tunes (sometimes with guest artists).

The setlist was something like this:
Find the Cost of Freedom
Love the One You’re With
Southern Cross
Carry On
Helplessly Hoping
Suite: Judy Blue Eyes (with Dan Lebo and Holly Bowling)

High Sierra Music Festival begins tomorrow

2023 High Sierra Music Festival

@kingbuffaloband @highsierramusic

The band I’m looking forward to the most (by far) is way down the list — King Buffalo.

2023 High Sierra schedule