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Posts tagged gold beach

Looking south…

from sisters rock state park oregon coast

Oregon Coast (April 2021)

…from Sisters Rock State Park.

Secret Beach Panorama

9-photo photomerge secret beach oregon coast

Oregon Coast

Cape Sebastian Trail (spur)

Cape Sebastian Trail oregon coast

Looking north from a spur off the Cape Sebastian Trail (Oregon coast – April 2021)

Tree Tunnel on Cape Sebastian Trail

 Cape Sebastian Trail tree tunnel oregon coast

Cape Sebastian Trail (Oregon)

Black Oystercatcher (Haematopus bachmani)

gold beach bird oregon coast rocks tide pool-DeNoiseAI-clear

Near Gold Beach, Oregon (April 2021)

So many ways to crop this photo to make the bird stand out more, but those rocks are too lovely to delete.

Cape Sebastian Trail

cape sebastian oregon coast gold beach-DeNoiseAI-clear

View from beginning of Cape Sebastian Trail (Oregon Coast, looking north toward Gold Beach – April 2021)