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Posts tagged hog farm hideaway

String Cheese Incident

string cheese hog farm hideaway

String cheese before String Cheese Incident @ Hog Farm Hideaway (June 2023)

The String Cheese Incident

string cheese incident hog farm hideaway

The String Cheese Incident @ 2023 Hog Farm Hideaway


I was thinking about possibly heading up to Portland for three nights of String Cheese this July, but with Neil Young and Crazy Horse playing in Bend on one of those nights, I don’t think SCI is in the cards for me this year.

Broken Compass Bluegrass @ Hog Farm

broken compass bluegrass hog farm

Broken Compass Bluegrass @ 2023 Hog Farm Hideaway


A year ago, I’d never heard of this band. Since then, I’ve seen them three times. The above photo is from the first time. Every time they are better than expected, even though my expectations have increased each time.

They are playing in Portland the next three nights at three different venues.

Happy birthday, Jerry Garcia!

hog farm hideaway 420 childrens parade leftover salmon jerry garcia wavy gravy-DeNoiseAI-clear

Jerry Garcia head during the 4:20 Children’s Parade at Hog Farm Hideaway (with Wavy Gravy and Bonnie Beecher in the background in the upper left)

@HogFarmHideaway #hogfarmhideaway #jerrygarcia @jerrygarcia @InstituteJerry

Lindy Kehoe art

hog farm hideaway art lindy kehoe-DeNoiseAI-clear

Art by Lindy Kehoe @ 2023 Hog Farm Hideaway

@HogFarmHideaway #hogfarmhideaway

Dancing shoes or homemade crocs?

hog farm hideaway dancing shoes homemade crocs-DeNoiseAI-clear

2023 Hog Farm Hideaway spectator

@HogFarmHideaway #hogfarmhideaway