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Posts tagged Ribe


ribe denmark

Ribe, Denmark

Ancient yoga

ribe denmark yoga

Yoga on the Ribe Kunstmuseum grass (July 2024)

Once upon a time, a smaller tower was on the northwest corner of Ribe Cathedral. However, in 1283, it collapsed killing many on their way to church. “Commoner’s Tower” (the flat tower on the right) was finished in 1333 with a spire that collapsed in 1594, never to be replaced. That turned out to be useful 50 years later because now there was space for eight cannons! The cannons fired at Swedish ships in 1644.

Viking pews?

ribe cathedral interior details viking

Ribe Cathedral interior details

Ribe Cathedral

17 photo photomerge ribe denmark

Ribe Cathedral

I couldn’t get this all in one photo, so the finished product you see above is actually 18 photos stitched together.

Most of the buildings around the church are from the late 16th Century.