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Posts tagged saxon

Metal Monday

Copenhell crowd before Saxon

@COPENHELL #copenhell

Fingers crossed for a normal summer in 2021.

Four more months…

Saxon @ 2017 Copenhell

@COPENHELL #copenhell #copenhell2018 @SaxonOfficial @biff_byford

No Saxon this year, but a new bunch of bands are supposed to be announced this week.

Saxon @ 2017 Copenhell

copenhell saxon Doug Scarratt

Doug Scarratt

@COPENHELL #copenhell @SaxonOfficial @biff_byford

“Power and the Glory” was one of my go-to albums from 1983 until the mid-90s. I still put it on a few times a year. Another rush of seeing a band I hadn’t seen since the 1980s in 2017.

copenhell saxon

Biff Byford

copenhell saxon

Saxon @ Copenhell

biff saxon copenhell

copenhell saxon