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Posts tagged stockholm

Boat hotel in Stockholm

Boat hotel in Stockholm

Sleep on a 19th Century ship (af Chapman) in the Stockholm harbor? Yes, please. Unfortunately, it was booked so I stayed in the former army barracks next to the ship, now a hostel. That was the last time I will stay in a hostel. I’m way too old for that, but the views were amazing.

Fun fact, this ship’s maiden voyage (1888) went from England to Portland, Oregon.



Sweden revisited

stockholm sweden

Stockholm, Sweden (July 2011)

My tentative travel plans this summer had me going to Visby, Sweden on my way to Oslo for the Tons of Rock Festival. Alas, the festival has been canceled so I don’t see myself going to either Norway or Sweden this summer.

af Chapman

af Chapman ship hotel-denoise

af Chapman (Stockholm, Sweden)

3 years ago today…

Crossing the Djurgårdsbrunnsviken


