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Posts tagged Tochoji 東長寺

Throwback Thursday

kuroda family graves fukuoka

黒田家墓所 – Kuroda Family Graves (June 2013)

Throwing it back to the 17th Century today.

To the victor belong the spoils! Back in the early 17th Century, Japan was going through some changes. The Kurodas backed Tokugawa and were rewarded with Fukuoka. Three Kurodas were buried here on the Tochoji grounds, and a little over 300 years later a giant cube of an office building was built to look down at their graves.

kuroda family graves fukuoka sign

Kuroda family grave sign


tochoji fukuoka buddhist temple shrine alter topaz denoise ai-denoise

Tochoji’s Buddharupas (Fukuoka, Japan)

The sign at my feet as I took today’s photo said, in English, “Do Not Enter. Buddhists Only.”, as if the ability to read English automatically makes a person not a Buddhist.



Fukuoka’s Tochoji

Rock garden

tochoji rock garden fukuoka japan

石庭 – 東長寺

Tochoji pagoda (東長寺 五重塔)

fukuoka tochoji pagoda

Fukuoka’s five-story pagoda

I’m still in Mexico, but here is a photo from Japan for you. Tomorrow I have a 7-hour layover in LAX so I will process some more photos of Mexico for next week during that time.

Hell of Incessant Suffering (muken jigoku or 無間地獄)

Hell of Incessant Suffering muken jigoku 無間地獄 tochoji

Hell of Incessant Suffering (無間地獄) @ 東長寺

I previously showed you Great Shrieking Hell at Fukuoka’s Tochoji. That place is nothing compared to the Hell of Incessant Suffering. Muken Jigoku is the most horrible of the eight hot hells. Go here and you will suffer without a moment’s respite. No one can escape this place. I suppose a miserable life isn’t so bad after all if you believe such a place exists.