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Posts tagged cemetery

Garden of Remembrance

Dohány Street Synagogue Garden of Remembrance

Dohány Street Synagogue’s Garden of Remembrance (Budapest, 2018)

Just a week to go until forty-something percent of the voting population of the USA goes out and votes for a fascist. The USA is not alone as today’s photo comes from another country which is forgetting history.

Throwback Thursday

kuroda family graves fukuoka

黒田家墓所 – Kuroda Family Graves (June 2013)

Throwing it back to the 17th Century today.

To the victor belong the spoils! Back in the early 17th Century, Japan was going through some changes. The Kurodas backed Tokugawa and were rewarded with Fukuoka. Three Kurodas were buried here on the Tochoji grounds, and a little over 300 years later a giant cube of an office building was built to look down at their graves.

kuroda family graves fukuoka sign

Kuroda family grave sign

National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific

National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific oahu hawaii punchbowl

Punchbowl Cemetery (Oahu, Hawaii – December 2017)


雑司ヶ谷霊園 ikebukuro cemetery

Ikebukuro (June 2010)

Uppsala Old Cemetery

uppsalla sweden cemetery professor torsten tuvemo zen grave-DeNoiseAI-clear

Uppsala Gamla Kyrkogård (Sweden – July 2019)

The professor (also a children’s doctor) has had a fairly recent burial for such an old cemetery. Also, it’s always interesting to see the uniqueness of a different country’s cemetery. This one had a zen vibe to it.

Tjørnuvík graveyard

Tjørnuvík faroe islands graveyard cemetery-DeNoiseAI-clear

Tjørnuvík, Faroe Islands

Unbeknownst to me at the time I was taking this photo of a lovely cemetery in the surfing town (population 54) of Tjørnuvík, there is also a Viking cemetery (discovered in 1956 and dating to about 950) in town. I had no internet in the Faroe Islands so it’s a shame that I couldn’t look things up as I journeyed from town to town. Had I known in advance that I wouldn’t have internet, I would have done more research before reaching the place.