Ashland Daily Photo
Ashland Daily Photo - A picture a day from beautiful Ashland, Southern Oregon USA in the Rogue Valley
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Posts tagged nikon 18-200mm vr ii

Wildlife Safari

bandon winston llama guanaco

Winston Wildlife Safari llama (March 2011)

Oregon Giraffe

winston oregon wildlife safari male giraffe

Giraffe @ Wildlife Safari (March 2011)

Barbary sheep

winston wildlife safari oregon barbary sheep

Barbary sheep (Ammotragus lervia)

Mt. Ashland wildflower sunset

mt ashland sunset wildflowers-DeNoiseAI-clear

Mt. Ashland sunset (August 2011)

Happy Capybara Appreciation Day!

Capybara @ Wildlife Safari (Winston, Oregon – March 2011)

11 years ago today…

cherry plum blossoms ashland oregon

Blossoms (April 2011)

EdenVale Winery

 EdenVale Winery grapes topaz denoise ai-standard

EdenVale Winery grapes (September 2011)

10 years ago today…

Bike path near Bridal Veil Falls on the Columbia River Gorge

Wet Wednesday


Central Hall more than 10 years ago

Central Hall (May 2011 – Ashland, Oregon)