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Posts tagged stan smith

Mr. Raider Memorial

sou football stan smith memorial coach howard

SOU Football Coach Howard at the Stan Smith Memorial / Tailgate / Pep Rally

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football @Matt_Retzlaff

sou football stan smith memorial matt sayre coach howard

AD Matt Sayre

sou football stan smith memorial matt retzlaff

Stan Smith’s family and Matt Retzlaff

sou football stan smith memorial matt retzlaff max proudfit melvin mason julius rucker jack singler

Melvin Mason tells a Stan Smith story

KDRV’s Brian Schnee’s tribute to Stan Smith

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

More Stan Smith photos here.

Mr. Raider Stan Smith 1924-2015

ashland 4th of july parade sou stan smith dana tuley

Stan Smith and his daughter, Dana Tuley, in the 2015 Ashland 4th of July Parade

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

ashland street cinema ring stan smith

Stan Smith presented with his 2014 National Championship ring by the SOU football team at Ashland Street Cinema

stan smith trophy granite taphouse

Stan Smith and the championship trophy @ Granite Taphouse

stan smith

Stan Smith photo with All-American Daniel Breaux

stan smith's contribution recognized

Stan Smith’s contribution recognized at Northwest Pizza

BIG final edition

football book

I continue to get lots of questions about the photo book documenting the SOU 2014 football season. One of the main questions is about the differences between the editions. There are three editions.

The first edition was an 8.5″ x 11″ softcover with 33 pages inside and was limited to a print run of just 10 copies. It sold for $50 each and sold out in 48 hours.

The second edition was an 8.5″ x 11″ hardcover with 43 pages inside and was limited to a print run of 30 copies. It sold for $80 each, and there is only one copy left here.

When it became clear a little over a week ago that all copies were going to be sold I realized that I hadn’t kept a copy for myself. I began tinkering with the second edition to make a single copy and eventually it grew into 51 pages and a much larger size (11″ x 14″). A couple of the photos in this edition are huge. (11″ x 28″!) After having spent a few hours on this third edition, I decided I should probably print more than just one copy so I printed 10. I’m keeping one. I’m donating two copies that were autographed by the entire team, coaching staff, and Mr. Raider this past Saturday at the awards banquet. One of these copies can be yours if you submit one of the two winning bids at the 2015 SOU Raider Club Scholarship Dinner and Auction on April 23, 2015. All proceeds will go to future SOU student athletes to help offset some of their tuition so bid high as this is a great cause.

A bunch of other copies were snatched up at the awards banquet by parents. I do have two (unsigned, sealed) copies of the third edition remaining for $100 each. Email me if interested.

SOU football awards brunch autographs

autographs of the 2014 NAIA Football National Champion SOU Raiders

SOU football awards brunch melvin mason siging book

Melvin Mason signing coffee table photo book of the champions

Throwback Thursday with Mr. Raider

sou football Chris Kammel stan smith mr raider coin flip

Mr. Raider, Stan Smith, inspecting the coin before the toss in October of 2013

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

“What size ring do you wear?”

coach craig howard phone stan smith mr raider

Coach Craig Howard on phone with Stan Smith “Mr. Raider” just prior to taking the field in Daytona

@SOURaiders @SOU_Football

Coach Howard had a quick conversation with Stan Smith a few minutes before the game began in which the Raiders won the NAIA National Championship. I’m not sure if Stan answered Coach Howard’s question and gave him his ring size then, but he better tell him now.

P.S. I still have many more photos from the game that I will be posting here. They are now spilling over onto additional pages. To see all of the photos I have posted so far click here, here, and here. For photos from Florida not necessarily directly tied to the game (but sometimes containing SOU football players) click here and here.

Photos from Ashland’s 4th of July Parade

ashland oregon 4th july parade

parade fly over

Close up of F-15 flyover

baby holding american flag

southern oregon university sou athlete alumni

Stan Smith car

BMX trickster Dave Nourie ashland oregon 4th of july parade

Dave Nourie