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Posts tagged gojira

Metal Monday

gojira concord pavilion

Gojira @ Concord Pavilion (4/20/23)


Joe Duplantier

Joe Duplantier gojira concord pavilion

Joe Duplantier of Gojira @ Concord Pavilion on 4/20/23


Gorjira @ Concord Pavilion

Joseph Andrew Duplantier gojira concord pavilion-low-light

Joe Duplantier of Gojira


I grew up just 30-something miles from the Concord Pavilion and went to many shows at other Bay Area venues back in the day, but last night was my first at the Concord Pavilion (which is now 340 miles from my current home).

This is a tour not to be missed.

gojira setlist april 20 2023 concord pavilion-low-light

Gojira setlist 420 2023 @ Concord Pavilion

Mega-Monsters Tour 2023

Metal Monday

Gojira @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@GojiraMusic #rf18 @orangefeeling #rf16

I’m hoping to hear good news from the Roskilde Festival (2018 edition) this week. I’m already confirmed for 2018 Metal Magic and 2018 Copenhell.