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Posts tagged hypocrisy

Metal Monday

hypocrisy brutal assault peter tagtgren-low-light

Hypocrisy’s Peter Tagtgren @ 2019 Brutal Assault

#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @hypocrisyband

Happy birthday, Tomas Elofsson!

Tomas Elofsson elof hypocrisy josefstadt-DeNoiseAI-low-light-DeNoiseAI-severe-noise

Elof of Hypocrisy @ Josefstadt (August 2021)

#brutalassault @hypocrisyband #josefstadt

I just realized that Elof wore the same shirt two years before. XD

Hypocrisy’s “Worship” released today

Peter Tägtgren hypocrisy josefstadt-low-light

Peter Tägtgren of Hypocrisy @ Josefstadt

#brutalassault @hypocrisyband #josefstadt

Peter told us at Josefstadt that the album was done. Unfortunately, he didn’t play anything off of it. This is the first Hypocrisy album in over eight years.

Photos from Josefstadt day two

Mean Messiah

Laura Guldemond of Burning Witches @ Josefstadt

Truchło Strzygi

Dordeduh panorama on the Octagon stage

Ad Nauseam


Happy birthday, Peter Tägtgren!

Hypocrisy's Peter Tägtgren @ 2019 Brutal Assault

#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @hypocrisyband #TDIM

Metal Monday

Tomas Elofsson of Hypocrisy @ 2019 Brutal Assault

#brutalAssault2019 #brutalassault @hypocrisyband