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Posts tagged odaiba


Yakatabune (屋形船) off Odaiba (Tokyo, Japan)

Today’s photo comes from more than 10 years ago. Have you ever spent an evening on a Yakatabune? I haven’t. Yet another reason to get back to Japan someday.



Odaiba (Tokyo, Japan)

Odaiba Statue of Liberty

odaiba statue of liberty


The French Statue of Liberty came to Odaiba in Tokyo from April 1998 to May 1999 in commemoration of “The French year in Japan”. The Japanese missed it so much that in 2000 a replica was erected at the same place. Today’s photo comes from 2010.

Looking toward Central Tokyo from Odaiba

tokyo photomerge Panorama wan bay

Tokyo Bay (東京湾) Panorama

Today’s photo is from the pre-Skytree era. If you were to take this same photo today you’d see the Tokyo Skytree on the right side.

Rainbow Bridge – Tokyo, Japan

tokyo odaiba rainbow bridge


Kua ‘Aina Burger – Odaiba, Tokyo, Japan

japanese hamburger tokyo kua 'aina

Today’s photo is of the location from which I took yesterday’s pic. After taking these photos we went in for a really good hamburger.