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Posts tagged red rock canyon

Seven years ago today…

10-photo photomerge red rock canyon las vegas nevada landscape panorama

Red Rock Canyon (Las Vegas)

Red Rock Canyon Revisited

Red Rock Canyon (near Las Vegas – December 2016)

Once you spot the little person (on the upper-right side of this photo), the place looks far more immense.

Two years ago…

Red Rock (Las Vegas)

#RedRockCanyon #Vegas

Nevada’s Red Rock Canyon

Rising shadow

@RedRockCynLV @Vegas

Calico Hills in Red Rock Canyon

Calico Hills


Red Rock Canyon

red rock las vegas photomerge

Red Rock Canyon (Las Vegas, Nevada)

Yesterday we did a short hike with my sister’s family to a lovely place I’d never been to before. Today we are headed to the Grand Canyon (for the first time), and beginning tomorrow night we will be in Sedona, Arizona for the new year.

If you ever want to drive the 13-mile scenic road through Red Rock Canyon, don’t go between Christmas and New Years. The road was closed due to high traffic. The only way in, around, and out was on foot. They still charged everyone to use the road which seemed rather odd.

That said, it was well worth the $3 a person price, and you’ll see more by seeing less on foot.