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Posts tagged sumac

Happy birthday, Aaron Turner!

sumac roskilde festival aaron turner-DeNoiseAI-low-light

Aaron Turner of Sumac @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @orangefeeling

Happy belated birthday to Nick Yacyshyn!

sumac roskilde festival-DeNoiseAI-clear

SUMAC @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @bbcbubblegutz #rf16 @orangefeeling #rf50

Throwback Thursday

SUMAC @ Roskilde Festival (Pavilion stage)

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @bbcbubblegutz #rf16 @orangefeeling @sargenthouse @SargentHouseEU

Today’s photo of SUMAC at the 2016 Roskilde Festival is from more than a couple years ago. The guy on the left, Brian Cook, is best known for his work in Russian Circles, a band I was fortunate enough to see for the first time last night in Portland at the Crystal Ballroom (photos coming).

SUMAC @ W.O.W. Hall

sumac wow hall aaron turner

Aaron Turner

@SigeRecords @WOWHall @SUMACband @AaronBTurner

sumac wow hall

SUMAC @ WOW Hall (October 6, 2017)

 sumac wow hall nick yacyshyn

Nick Yacyshyn


Aaron Turner of SUMAC @ 2016 Roskilde Festival

@SUMACband @SigeRecords @bbcbubblegutz #rf16

This is happening again in Eugene, Oregon (and elsewhere along the West Coast) this October.

SUMAC @ Roskilde Festival

sumac-aaron-turner-roskilde-festival isis

Aaron Turner

Today’s photo was taken at 2:30 a.m. The sun was coming up before I left the venue. Hopefully they don’t give Neurosis or Red Fang a post-midnight start in 2017.