- Japan (07, 09-10, 13), Denmark (08, 11, 16-19, 21, 24), Korea (13), Poland (21), Mexico (14, 15, 19), Iceland (17, 19), Hawaii (14, 17, 22), Czech Republic (16, 17, 19, 21)
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Archive for czech republic

Basilica of St. Ludmila

Church of Saint Ludmila prague czech

Church of Saint Ludmila (Prague, Czech Republic – July 2016)

When today’s photo was taken, this was a mere “church”. In 2022, the pope upgraded it to a “basilica”. As one of the least religious countries on the planet, maybe the pope thought an upgrade to a Czech church would change things in his favor?

least religious countries in the world

Least religious countries graphic

Happy birthday, Schmier!

josefstadt destruction

Destruction – August 2021

Katedrála svatého Bartoloměje

Cathedral of St Bartholomew Katedrála svatého Bartoloměje plzen czech exterior

Cathedral of St Bartholomew exterior with Zlatá kašna Anděl (Golden Fountain Angel)

Prague from the Old Town Bridge Tower

prague sunset charles bridge

The Charles Bridge from above (2016)


Onslaughter debustrol josefstadt Jakub Maděryč

Debustrol’s Jakub Maděryč (AKA Onslaughter) @ 2021 Josefstadt


kuks czech

Kuks Hospital (Czech Republic – August 2021)